Museums and Shop Stockists.Most of the museums are free to visit! and buying my soldiers there allows you to support the museums with the profits they make. Double good!The National Army Museum, Chelsea, London UK. A wonderful museum. well worth seeking out for its collection of paintings alone, plus Captain Siborne's wonderful Waterloo model and a carnival of historic objects. Free Entry and YOU CAN BUY OUR FULL COLLECTION HERE! The Household Cavalry Museum. A smart, modern and informative museum right in the heart of London. Located on Horse Guards parade it makes a great educational diversion. Free Entry! The BlackWatch Museum. A great little museum on the legendary Black Watch Regiment. Free Entry! Le Musée De La Cavalerie The museum is in Saumur on the Loire and has a great collection of historic cavalry equipment. Free Entry! Le Musée Napoleon. Located in the Dordogne region of France you can find out all about Napoleon. Le Musée De L'Artillerie. Draguignan. Located in Provence the museum is part of the artillery college and has a substantial permanent collection of uniforms, guns and displays. Free Entry! The Wellington Museum at Waterloo. A very informative museum in the building which was Wellington's HQ. Napoleon's Last HQ Museum -Dernier Quartier Général De Naplo�on. The last room of this museum wall's are filled with the most delightfully painted mini diaramas depicting incidents at the battle of Waterloo in tin flats. You'll still find me in there as I was unable to leave! I hope we'll be on sale in more museums soon, and a few toy shops!
Soldier Pictures and UniformsI've always been fascinated by pictures of soldiers... these sites have some great pictures!Uniforms of the Napoleonic Wars. Great drawings both colour and black and white showing napoleonic era uniforms from Historex toy soldier kits. Uniforms of soldiers in the Waterloo Campaign 'Cent Jours' 'Hundred Days'. Loads of detailed illustrations make up this great resource. A considerable piece of work! British Army Uniforms drawn by Arthur H. Bowling. This site shows the delightful artwork of Arthur H. Bowling - they'd make the most gorgeous paper soldiers regiments! Bavarian Uniforms I think these Bavarian uniforms are great. The first full paper soldier force I made was a Bavarian Army. Lovely colours, great hats - (Raupenhelms - great for keeping sandwiches in?!) these drawing are extenisve and charming by a 19th century artist called Johan Baptist Cantler. Prussian army Uniforms a site showing delightful postcard type illustrations of german military uniforms. Toy SoldiersThere's a whole world of Toy and Model Soldiers out there - these links are just the tip of the iceberg!The Toy Soldiers on-line Gallery has lots of pictures of all sorts of great old and new toy soldiers, plastic and metal, painted matt and gloss by John O'Brien - I don't see any paper soldiers there yet! Explore John O'Brien's great links page, it's got some pearls! Historex Toy Soldier plates another great gallery put together by John O'brien. King and Country Ever passionate about toy soldiers, and with loads of pictures of K&C Toy Soldiers, the fellas at King and Country do an excellent job promoting and encouraging the Hobby. Wargame Figures Frontrank. excellent photos of great toy soldiers,,, wargame figures whichever! I love their sculpting. Wargame Figures Wargamesfoundry. I just like looking at the pictures of these soldiers! A Modern Plastic War?! Interesting project. Incredible object. TMP The Minatures Page - A great website for forum disscussion and news on every thing mini figurish. Discussions on napoleonic costume, tactics and history. For Uniform and tactics discussion, it's excellent. Treefrog Treasures - Treefrog forum is a place to catch up on all things Toy Soldier. Alongside my profile, Christopher Walkerloo, I've uploaed a hole bunch of pics showing my Toy Soldiers and their making! Toy Soldier Television - See video reports on toy soldier shows and much more! Napoleonic history